
Beyond Toxics

Beyond Toxics is a statewide environmental justice organization with a home base in Eugene. Our mission is to provide leadership to build a community-driven environmental justice movement for a thriving and just Oregon. We are active members of following coalitions: Oregon Climate Equity Network, Fossil Free Eugene, and the Oregon Just Transition Alliance.

Our clean energy and climate justice programming in 2024-2025 includes:

Organize community-based programs to support homeowners and renters transition their homes to clean energy in the West Eugene area.

Carry out original climate and air quality research projects such as:

Defend Oregon’s Climate Protection Program in policy advocacy and in the courts.

Raise awareness and build knowledge about environmental injustices and environmental destruction caused by natural gas fracking and hydrogen infrastructure.

Host community and educational events, workshops and resources on the intersections between fossil fuel energy emissions, harmful indoor and outdoor air quality and the impacts on human health.

We work to accelerate a just transition to renewable, efficient homes and energy systems that move Oregon away from fossil fuels. To merge our work on both renewable energy and community resiliency, we also seek to educate people in Oregon about energy resources that may harm frontline and communities of color through excessive extraction.


Eugene and Statewide

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